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Commitee Role and Goals

Role and Goals of the Long Range Planning Committee:


Role of Long Rang Facilities Committee Members:

  1. Make all agendas and minutes available to the public through the District website.
  2. Make committee meetings open to the public without public comment.  Public comments will be allowed at the Committee’s discretion.
  3. Review comments submitted to the Long Range Planning Committee via the District website.


Overall Goals of the Committee:

  1. Identify potential areas that may have impacted the previous two bond failures.
  2. Evaluate the perception of the long-term planning committee for Harrah Public Schools and how this will impact the planning for future bond elections.
  3. Identify and prioritize the needs of the district using a scale of 1-10. (#1 being the most urgent).
  4. Of the needs that are identified, decide which of those could be easily understood by the community without the need for additional clarification, and decide which ones could possibly face the most resistance.
  5. Obtain professional estimates for the items the Committee determines to be the most urgent needs for the District.    
  6. Present these needs to the School Board for consideration in a future bond election.
  7. When a potential bond election is presented, this committee will be responsible for planning and/or disseminating the facts of the bond proposal, and address any questions or concerns the community may have regarding the specifics of the bond proposal.
  8. This committee will telephone community members and identify the bond supporters for the proposal.
  9. The Committee will meet again to telephone the previously contacted bond supporters and remind them to vote on the day of the election. 



Long Range Planning Committee

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